City Wise Chapters
Act locally for impact globally. Nothing compares to the impact local and concerted effort can have while contributing to a global cause. Join forces with fellow climate enthusiasts in your city to engage and organise activities that drive education on climate change and climate policy. Not only can you join others like yourself, but you can also bring together others who are willing to join the movement.

Join forces locally, make an impact globally
You’ve seen our climate change. You’ve asked, “What can I do?” Here’s your answer.
Irrespective of how experienced or knowledgeable you are in climate change or activism, your local CIF Climate Club chapter will support and facilitate what you have to offer for this cause.
CIF Climate Club chapters bring together people of all backgrounds and age groups, all with a collective purpose to enhance climate knowledge and more importantly push for more awareness on climate policy amongst the youth.
There is magic in collective action and the chapters give members the opportunity to draw on CIF Climate Club’s support and expertise, while creating and executing their own plans for climate awareness and policy advocacy at the local level.
You only need the fire and desire to improve the world’s climate and therefore everyone’s lives. As the movement takes off, how you drive this movement is only limited by your imagination.
Join a CIF city-wise chapter today and join the fight for a sustainable future!

What is a local chapter?
A chapter is the ideal way you can create impact locally while drawing on the support of Carbon Initiative Forum that has a wider network. Local chapters comprise of climate enthusiasts, eager and active within that city region. By localising work, it becomes more effective, and when multiplied it can make for a global change. Join one now!
Find a chapter near you in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai and Pune. Reach out to us on contact@carboninitiativeforum.org to know more.
Why join?
By joining your local CIF Climate Club chapter, you’ll:
Learn from the network and enhance how you make a difference
Connect with a local network of engaged climate volunteers just like you
Facilitate climate awareness and therefore action within your reach, in your community
Help drive the country on a local scale towards climate awareness and support for climate policy
“Believe in the power of your own voice. The more noise you make, the more accountability you demand from your leaders, the more our world will change for the better.” -
Al Gore, Former US Vice President